Help Clients Reduce Anxiety Through Mindfulness

Free infographic to help reduce your clients' anxiety and engage with the present moment


Many clients initially think mindfulness is just ‘focus on breathing’ or some silly exercises, but you want to help show your clients what they can actually do with these practices.

Mindfulness exercises encourage clients to notice and accept their thoughts without obsessing over them. You’ll help them to focus on the present moment in meaningful, nonjudgmental ways and take power away from anxious thoughts.

Use this practical and engaging exercise to help your clients commit to using their senses of sight, sound, touch, taste, and smell to channel their thoughts in a purposeful direction. As clients continue to practice, they will find it easier to incorporate mindfulness into their daily lives until it becomes a natural part of who they are.

Download this free infographic to help reduce your clients' anxiety and engage with the present moment.

The Mindfulness in Psychotherapy Summit
The Mindfulness in Psychotherapy Summit
If you’re curious about new, evidence-based ways to use mindfulness in your practice that go past “focus on your breath” mindfulness then....

Join 9 of the world’s leading trainers, like Mark Epstein, MD, Susan Pollak, MTS, MEd, EdD, and Judson Brewer, MD, PhD, as they show you practical and easy-to-use methods that can help your clients—all based on the latest evidence.

In this FREE summit on March 8-9, 2023, you’ll learn unique strategies to apply mindfulness to tough clinical issues, like trauma, ADHD, substance use disorders, and grief and loss.

Can't attend live? Register anyway for 14-day free access to the training!
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