Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction: A free technique to implement today.

Elana Rosenbaum, MS, LICSW

What is your passion as a therapist? For me, Elana Rosenbaum, it has been the opportunity to explore, rediscover, and transform lives.

I remember working as a psychotherapist in a non-profit HMO, seeing client after client. They were anxious, panic-attack prone, or just unable to cope with stress. I was of no help, treating symptoms and focusing on what was wrong rather than treating them as an individual and reinforcing what was right.

Desperate to find something better for myself and my clients, I walked into a meditation class at lunchtime. Teaching was the most amazing, dynamic and confident teacher, Jon Kabat-Zinn, the founder of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction.

That was 30 years ago and since then, along with the help of Jon, I have been able to transform my life and my practice. I became an instructor alongside Jon, I started my own practice, and I have witnessed incredible treatment outcomes with my clients.

In this simple technique from Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction, we practice mindfulness by suspending judgment and asking ourselves or our patients what we observe about our behavior.

Whether you're a new clinician or advanced in your practice, grab a few raisins and experience this free technique to live in the present. What have you got to lose?

Here’s to healing,
Elana Rosenbaum

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Want to learn more about MBSR? Purchase Elana Rosenbaum's full Digital Training.

Topic: Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR)

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