Jamie Otremba, MSN, RN, CNM, has over 25 years of maternal child nursing experience and is currently practicing full scope nurse-midwifery at a progressive OB/GYN clinic in suburban Minnesota. Jamie has been active in program development and benchmarking in both clinic and hospital settings. She is also one of the medical directors for the Women’s and Children’s Service Line at a large hospital and medical center in Minnesota. Jamie served as an assistant professor at Minnesota State University and has practiced in women’s health care in a variety of settings, including labor and delivery, postpartum, antenatal, and community health nursing.
She has consulted area health care facilities on clinical and legal practice topics, and she continues as an investigator for several medication trials pertinent to obstetric and gynecologic issues. Additionally, Jamie has enjoyed sharing her vast knowledge and experiences as a preceptor for both medical and advanced practice nursing students. Her goal is to provide you with the latest pharmacological options for pregnancy and birth to ultimately improve the maternal and fetal outcomes of your own patients.
Speaker Disclosures:
Financial: Jamie Otremba has an employment relationship with Allina Health and receives compensation as a national speaker. She receives a speaking honorarium and recording royalties from PESI, Inc. She has no relevant financial relationships with ineligible organizations.
Non-financial: Jamie Otremba is a member of the American College of Nurse-Midwives and the Network for LGBT Health Equity.