On Grief and Grieving - Seminar

On Grief and Grieving

Wednesday, November 6, 2013 at 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM

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For more information: Call (800) 844-8260
Course Description:

David Kessler, best-selling author, collaborator with the legendary Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, and well-known expert on palliative care, hospice and end-of-life care, will provide you with the newest information on grief and grieving. Mixing compassion and understanding with an unequalled depth of experience, David will help to normalize living for those left behind. This seminar combines real information and practical wisdom with profound insights to help those shattered by grief to return to a sense of wholeness. Grievers and clinicians alike can learn how, after a loss to reinvest in life again and to put loss in perspective, while commemorating and honoring the death of a loved one.

This seminar is guaranteed to enhance your work as a caregiver and fill you with insight, tools, strategies and inspiring information. You’ll look forward to the next day … so you can immediately begin to use all you have learned.

  1. Discuss how the stages of grief influence our healing after loss.
  2. Identify the milestones that often occur after a loss including anticipatory grief.
  3. Summarize appropriate responses to grief and mourning within the care team.
  4. Outline how the updated stages of grief influence our healing after loss.
  5. Explain why children are often the forgotten grievers and how to help them.
  6. Identify mechanisms to help with complicated grieving.
  7. Compare and contrast the impact of natural disasters vs. manmade disasters.
  8. Identify dozens of tools and interventions to be used by clinicians, hospitals, palliative care services and hospices when working with grief and loss.


DAVID KESSLER, MA, RN, FACHE David Kessler is one of the world’s foremost experts on grief and loss. His experience with thousands of people on the edge of life and death has taught him the secrets to living a happy and fulfilled life, even after life’s tragedies.

He is the author of six books, including his latest bestselling book, Finding Meaning: The Sixth Stage of Grief. He co-authored two books with Elisabeth Kubler Ross, Life Lessons and On Grief and Grieving, updating her 5 stages for grief. He also co-wrote, You Can Heal Your Heart with Louise Hay. He authored Visions Trips and Crowded Rooms: Who and What You See Before You Die. His first book, The Needs of The Dying received praise from Saint (Mother) Teresa.

David’s personal experience as a child witnessing a mass shooting while his mother was dying in a hospital helped him begin his journey. For most of his life, David has taught physicians, nurses, counselors, police, and first responders about the end of life, trauma, and grief. However, despite his vast knowledge of grief, his life was turned upside down by the sudden death of his twenty-one-year-old son.

David’s volunteer work includes being a founding member of Project Angel Food, a well-known and loved non-profit organization. He currently serves on the board of The Farrah Fawcett Foundation which provides cancer research, patient assistance, and prevention efforts. He also serves as Specialist Reserve for the Los Angeles Police as well as having served on the Red Cross’s disaster services team.

He has a new online model of grief support called Tender Hearts with over 25 groups each as well as one of the most respected Grief Certification programs. He is the founder of www.grief.com, which receives millions of visits yearly providing helpful resources to over 167 countries.

Speaker Disclosures:
Financial: David Kessler is the is the co-founder and President Emeritus of Project Angel Food. He is a published author and receives royalties. David Kessler receives a speaking honorarium and recording and book royalties from Psychotherapy Networker and PESI, Inc. He has no relevant financial relationships with ineligible organizations.
Non-financial: David Kessler is a board member for the Farrah Fawcett Foundation. He is a team member of the Health Care Executives of Southern California, the Los Angeles Police Department, and the Red Cross.
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If your profession is not listed, please contact your licensing board to determine your continuing education requirements and check for reciprocal approval. For other credit inquiries not specified below, or questions on home study credit availability, please contact cepesi@pesi.com or 800-844-8260 before the event.

Materials that are included in this course may include interventions and modalities that are beyond the authorized practice of mental health professionals. As a licensed professional, you are responsible for reviewing the scope of practice, including activities that are defined in law as beyond the boundaries of practice in accordance with and in compliance with your professions standards.

The planning committee and staff who controlled the content of this activity have no relevant financial relationships to disclose. For speaker disclosures, please see speaker bios.

PESI, Inc. offers continuing education programs and products under the brand names PESI, PESI Healthcare, PESI Kids, PESI Rehab and Psychotherapy Networker.

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