Play Therapy - Seminar

Play Therapy

Tuesday, November 19, 2013 at 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM

This event is not currently available for purchase.

For more information: Call (800) 844-8260
Course Description:

Play Therapy is an incredible method of communication and diagnostics. It will teach you how to interpret the ways in which children play, the importance of what they play with/what they create, and how to interpret their interactions with us as the professional.

By attending this seminar, you will learn how to understand and determine what the individual is struggling with and causes for presenting behaviors and emotions through their play. You will leave with a tool box filled with ready to use Play Therapy techniques that you will immediately be able to implement in your work with children and clients of all ages. This tool box will consist of appropriate tools for presenting problems such as anger, ADHD, depression, anxiety and more. Some of the tools will include Sand Tray therapy, coloring, the use of puppets, dance/movement, “I Spy”, Gift Boxes, and so many other great techniques. Much of this conference will include active learning and hands on participation. So get ready to learn, have fun and see the world through a child’s eyes.

  1. Explain why and how to engage the family for long-term success.
  2. Implement easy play therapy techniques for specific presenting issues; anger, abuse, depression, etc.
  3. Use play therapy as a diagnostic tool and interpret what you see.
  4. Demonstrate short-term play therapy techniques to maximize behavior change.
  5. Select the best techniques, depending upon the presenting issue.
  6. Demonstrate how to use these techniques in a variety (w/ family, couples and schools) of settings including group play therapy.


Credits listed below are for full attendance at the live event only. After attendance has been verified, pre-registered attendees will receive an email from PESI Customer Service with the subject line, “Evaluation and Certificate” within one week. This email will contain a link to complete the seminar evaluation and allow attendees to print, email or download a certificate of completion if in full attendance. For those in partial attendance (arrived late or left early), a letter of attendance is available through that link and an adjusted certificate of completion reflecting partial credit will be issued within 30 days (if your board allows). Please see “live seminar schedule” for full attendance start and end times. NOTE: Boards do not allow credit for breaks or lunch.

If your profession is not listed, please contact your licensing board to determine your continuing education requirements and check for reciprocal approval. For other credit inquiries not specified below, or questions on home study credit availability, please contact or 800-844-8260 before the event.

Materials that are included in this course may include interventions and modalities that are beyond the authorized practice of mental health professionals. As a licensed professional, you are responsible for reviewing the scope of practice, including activities that are defined in law as beyond the boundaries of practice in accordance with and in compliance with your professions standards.

The planning committee and staff who controlled the content of this activity have no relevant financial relationships to disclose. For speaker disclosures, please see speaker bios.

PESI, Inc. offers continuing education programs and products under the brand names PESI, PESI Healthcare, PESI Kids, PESI Rehab and Psychotherapy Networker.

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