THIS IS NOT AN ONLINE REGISTRATION FORM - FOR PRINT ONLY            Printed Date: 9/18/2024 4:08:01 PM

Seminar Title:
Dyslexia, Dyscalculia and Dysgraphia
Seminar Date:
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Seminar Location:
Seminar ID:

  Required (select one)
$249.99 Single Registration
$219.99 2+ Group Rate: per person
$209.99 5+ Group Rate: per person
$125.00 Student
  ________ HI, NM attendees add applicable sales and local taxes**
  ________ Subtotal (Required items + sales tax)
  ________ Total (Required subtotal + Optional subtotal)
  *** Registration for coordinator or military member discount must be completed online
  **** All prices are shown in US Dollars ****

Please enter the MAIL CODE in the box below.

If you have a brochure, this code is found on the
back in the box above the address block.

If you do not have a brochure, please enter 888.

Mailcode Example
Mail Code or VIP #:
First Name:
*     Last Name: *
  Note: Leave Company/Department blank if providing home address
Company Name:
*    State: *    Zip: *    County: *
Work Phone:
*      Cell Phone:   *      Fax Number:  
Email Address:
*    License Number: *
(required for confirmation of registration)

  Prepayment is REQUIRED
  Check enclosed
  Signed Purchase Order enclosed
Credit Card Type:
Mastercard    Visa    Amex    Discover
Credit Card #:
  V-Code #*
Exp Date:
/ *MC/Visa/Discover: last 3-digit # on signature panel on back of card
*American Express: 4-digit # above account # on face of card
Name on Card:
Mail or Fax to:
PESI, P.O. Box 1000, Eau Claire, WI 54702-1000      (800) 554-9775 (fax number)