Blogs and Free Resources

Here at PESI, our mission is to provide professionals like you with FREE practical and valuable tools, strategies, and resources to assist with the great work you do. Find expert tips, helpful worksheets, demonstration videos, CE, news, and more here. Happy learning!
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Help Parents Navigate Divorce with Kids

Interventions for anxious, depressed and oppositional children

Steve P. O'Brien, PsyD

Watch child-family psychologist, Dr. Steve O’Brien, provide you with a practical treatment approach for children struggling with anxiety, depression, and oppositional behavior secondary to divorced and blended family stressors.


The 3 R's of Anxiety Management for Children

Actionable skills and strategies to help students struggling with anxiety

Steve P. O'Brien, PsyD

Anxiety expert Dr. Steve O’Brien shares the 3 R’s of Anxiety Management, including a handful of actionable skills and strategies to help students struggling with anxiety and help create a learning-conducive environment for all your students.


Anxiety in Schools in a Post-Pandemic World

Strategies to effectively treat anxiety in a school setting

Ashley Rose, LCSW, LSSW

Anxiety especially is at an all-time high and appears to be affecting larger percentages of the population. Ashley Rose, LCSW, LSSW, shares classroom-based strategies to treat anxiety and help children heal in a post-pandemic world.


Help Heal Your Clients' Relationship with Food and Body

A simple exercise for your clients with emotional and/or disordered eating

Ann Saffi Biasetti, PhD, LCSWR, CIAYT

Ann Saffi Biasetti, PhD, LCSWR, CEDS, shares with us an upper body scan that introduces interceptive awareness to help heal your clients' relationship with food and body.


Using AEDP to Treat Complex Trauma

A live demonstration of what Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy (AEDP) can look like during therapy

Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy (AEDP) experts Kari Gleiser, PhD, and Natasha Prenn, LCSW, give us a live demonstration of what AEDP can look like in-session.


8 Must-Have Play Therapy Books for Therapists Who Work with Young Clients

These books will change up your sessions with your young clients


Play therapy is a beneficial method for working with young clients in and out of the therapy office, and PESI has the books to get you started or inspire new ideas for play therapy sessions!


Help Clients Improve Mood with Food

Free infographic to educate clients on how food can affect your physical, mental, and emotional being

Leslie Korn, Ph.D., MPH, LMHC

Leslie Korn, PhD, shares 10 things you can do to help improve mood (and overall health) with food, so your clients can learn and cater to their body's needs.


EMDR for Kids: How to Playfully Integrate Into Your Practice

Free EMDR worksheets for kids

When Christine Mark-Griffin, LCSW, began working with young kids, she quickly realized that traditional therapy was often not enough to fully unravel the trauma and pain these little ones were carrying, so she set out to create EMDR resources to help.


Sigh Breath Exercise and Havening Touch for Trauma Treatment

A simple modified CPR (Creating Personal Resiliency) for the amygdala

Kate Truitt, PhD, MBA

Dr. Kate Truitt shares a highly effective and easy-to-use strategy that will transform your approach to trauma treatment.


Leslie's Avocado Chocolate Moodshake Recipe

A recipe to help boost your energy and mood

Leslie Korn, Ph.D., MPH, LMHC

The combination of avocado, coconut, and chocolate makes for a refreshing afternoon drink if your energy and mood start to drop.


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